Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vertigo Peep Show

Welcome to 2010 and may it be a successful and joyful year for all.

To bring in the new year I have recently added a new series which I am very excited about as it brings another dimension to my existing body of work.

Captured on a extended break to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I found myself drawn to the beach for inspiration and lo and behold I found it in the form of a deconstructed beach house. The geometric shapes of the decaying foundations and supports worked so well as did the vision of the world through the wooden slates acting as a private peep hole to the outside world.


Once I started playing with digital boarders to secure the images within a visual space, I found myself being drawn in closer and closer by the addition of the frames I had created and in doing so was pleased to find this in fact added to the power of the image as a whole.

Please visit my Fine Art collection site at to view more.

