Tuesday, November 15, 2011

911 Memorial Visit

You really need to see and listen to this to believe it.
I for one was a little hesitant to visit this site even though I wasn't living on New York at the time of the event I was in Australia and heard it first on the radio via a news broadcast. I had just recently returned to Australia after having spent the summer in NYC working on a Art Exhibit and working out my paperwork visa etc with my agent to return to NYC full-time, I was however deeply moved by what took place and the effect it had on friends of mine who were living downtown.
This memorial I now believe was the right thing to do at this place and to go there as I did last night was both chilling and at the same time I felt that it had achieved it's set purpose to show respect to those who .....
Forever in our thoughts.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Beautiful Fall in NYC - Sima Cunningham - Singer

This has to be one of my favorite seasons here in NYC the light is amazing combined with the wonderful change in color who wouldn't love it.
I had a request from a talent local folk artist Sima Cunningham to shot a portrait and choose my local park to create a warm almost gothic feel to the image. The shoot went well and we captured some more great images down one of the back streets of the East Village which still maintains it's edgy urban gred.
Until next time enjoy whatever season you maybe in, my family back in Australia our waxing down the surfboards for another Summer of Fun..hope to visit early next year...